
Hi! I'm Amber, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Restorative Wellness Practitioner. Helping you find the root cause to your chronic illness and assisting on your journey lights up my soul! I have been in your shoes, and that's what led me to become a practitioner. I was tired of having Drs give me a band aid approach to my illness. I wanted to find out WHY I was sick, so I could heal myself. If you are ready to do the same, and get to the root cause of your pain and symptoms, let's connect!

What is a nutritional therapy practitioner?

I look at your body as a whole - it's all connected! Food has the power to heal and make an incredible difference in your life.

I will never question your knowledge about your body, and its' innate wisdom. Your body has the power to re-balance itself, if it is correctly supported. By digging for the root cause, I can help you take the guesswork out of healing. There's no band aid approach with nutritional therapy. It's not about masking symptoms, it's about finding out the "why" and getting your body back into balance.

Healing diets have a place, but I want to help you heal your gut and empower you to make great decisions about your food choices. I'm not about restricting food, but making "good, better, best" choices. The right choices can support you in your healing journey!
