It's time to invest in your health. Have you heard the expression, โIf you don't make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.โž It's true!


Free Discovery call - let's see if we are a good fit!


Initial Consultation $229

Review of all intake paperwork
Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire
5 day Food and Mood Journal and Symptom Tracker
Optional Labwork review (if you have recent labwork I am happy to take a look and help you make some connections)


Empower Your Health

3 sessions $599
3 sessions, spaced according to your needs.
Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire
5 day Food and Mood Journal and Symptom Tracker
Unlimited email support
nutrition, lifestyle, supplement, detoxification recommendations
*cost of lab work and supplements not included


Empower Your Life

6 sessions $1129
6 sessions, spaced according to your needs
Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire
5 day Food and Mood Journal and Symptom Tracker
Unlimited email support
2 phone calls in between sessions
20% off supplements
extra support with a kitchen clean out, grocery shopping, ingredient labels
nutrition, lifestyle, supplement, detoxification recommendations
*cost of lab work and supplements not included


Contact for Pricing:


Functional Lab Review

Have labs from another practitioner that you need help dissecting? I LOVE this kind of detective work. Let me dig in and help you connect those dots! Includes GI-MAP, Food Sensitivity tests, DUTCH, hormone and adrenal tests, and blood work. Includes supplement and nutritional protocol suggestions.


Food & Mood Journal Assessment

This is helpful if you have food sensitivities or are struggling to uncover triggers that are making your symptoms worse. 7 day in depth journal includes: food, sleep, bowel movements, stress, movement, supplements, and lifestyle.

*Payment plans available for packages.